Export of Fresh Pork to Argentina

Please be advised that, as of April 24, 2017, the export certification requirements for export of fresh (chilled and frozen) raw pork have been negotiated with Argentina. A final approval from Argentina is expected to follow after an onsite audit in the near future by the Argentinian authorities to confirm compliance with Resolution SENASA No. 816/02.

Operators are responsible for developing the necessary control programs in accordance with requirements stated in Annex A.  Exporters must comply with the additional labeling requirements of the Republic of Argentina.

More information is available in Section 11.7.3 of Meat Hygiene Manual of Procedures (http://inspection.gc.ca/food/meat-and-poultry-products/manual-of-procedures/chapter-11/argentina/eng/1368204356391/1368204455965) and at the following link:  http://inspection.gc.ca/food/meat-and-poultry-products/manual-of-procedures/directives/2017-41/eng/1495151818621/1495151951221.

Please contact your local CFIA Inspector for the requirements listed in Annex A.