
TCC23-019 – TCCU After Hours Status Calls / Appels à l'USTCC après les heures ouvrables portant sur un status

March 29, 2023

La version française suit

Clients Affected: All clients and service providers who transmit trade data using EDI, eManifest Portal and the CERS portal.

Importing and handling invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposes

March 21, 2023

(Le français suit)

Notice to industry: Importing and handling invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposes

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has posted a Notice to Industry to its website pertaining to the import and handling of invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposes.

New licence requirements for enoki mushrooms / Nouvelles exigences de licence pour les champignons enoki

March 16, 2023

(Le français suit)

Notice to industry: new licence requirements for enoki mushrooms

Updates to the CFIA Fish List / Mises à jour de la Liste des poissons de l’ACIA

March 16, 2023

(Le français suit)

Updates to the CFIA Fish List

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has added the common names for the following fish species within the CFIA Fish List:

Scientific name – English/ French common name
