
Guidance on Mandatory Incident Reporting under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act

April 24, 2014

By law, companies must inform Health Canada within two days of becoming aware of a health or safety incident related to a consumer product they manufacture, import, or sell. This serves as an early warning and detection of health or safety issues with the purpose of reducing the number of unsafe or potentially unsafe consumer products on the Canadian market.

D13-11-3, Value for Duty of Printed or Lithographed Matter, Financial and Other Instruments

April 24, 2014

The following has been updated and is available on the CBSA website:

Memorandum D13-11-3, Value for Duty of Printed or Lithographed Matter, Financial and Other Instruments

D13-3-1, Methods of Determining Value for Duty

April 22, 2014

The following has been updated and is available on the CBSA website:

Memorandum D13-3-1, Methods of Determining Value for Duty
