Future of Importing

From CARM to Single Window IID, there are multiple initiatives undertaken by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the government agency responsible for managing imports and exports of goods, that will affect your business in the next 24 months.

What is CARM?

The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project is a multi-year business transformation initiative. Once implemented, it will facilitate trade compliance and enhance the use of data analytics to streamline business processes between CBSA and its clients - the importers!

Why is CARM important to importers?

  • CARM represents a business transformation, not just a technology implementation.
  • Release Prior to Payment Financial Security will be secured by importers on a risk-based approach.
  • The CARM portal will provide you with the visibility to see all of your customs transactions regardless of who filed them.
  • The billing cycle is changing and there will be a longer period of time to correct entries prior to the final monthly payment without interest.
  • Adjustments (such as refunds, amends and drawback) can be made electronically – they will be a version of the original transaction number.
  • CARM is scheduled to be deployed in three phases with the core CARM delivery expected in the spring of 2021.


If you have any questions regarding CARM, contact your customs broker today!