Change to export certification to US of live finfish and their products

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has been informed by the United States (US) of changes in the export certification process for exports to the US of live finfish (including salmonid species). This change also applies to their germplasm or genetic material for culture, stocking, enhancement and research and dead uneviscerated salmonids or parts thereof (including offal) for any end use.

Effective immediately, following US Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, §16.13, export certification must be provided by private certifying officials approved by US Fish and Wildlife Service (US-FWS) using private, non-government laboratories for all required diagnostic testing.

As a result, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is no longer responsible for providing export certification or diagnostic testing services for US-bound exports of these commodities.

Canadian exporters are advised to contact private veterinarians or fish health professionals that may be interested in applying to the US-FWS for approval to become a Title 50 certifying official. Exporters should also contact private diagnostic labs in Canada that might be interested in conducting the diagnostic testing for export under the US Title 50 Regulations.

Private veterinarians and fish health professionals working with diagnostic labs interested in becoming designated as a Title 50 Certifying Official should complete and submit the official form available at US-FWS.

Exporters should advise their US importers to contact their local US-FWS office with any questions or concerns.

This notice was posted on the CFIA website on April 13, 2017.