CBSA Message (EDI14-016) - Family Day in the Provinces of ON, AB, SK and MB

Family Day – February 17, 2014 in the provinces of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba:

For the purposes of calculating the accounting period, February 17, 2014 will be considered a holiday for these provinces and any late accounting penalties will be waived without the client having to submit an application.  This applies to transactions released from February 10, 2014 to February 17, 2014, and the client’s office of central accounting is in the affected provinces.  Any other clients that may have received late accounting penalties due to the holiday should apply for a waiver to the Recourse Directorate at fax # 613-960-5112.  The waiver application must be submitted by February 25, 2014.

Should you have any questions concerning late accounting penalties, please contact Bob Ellah at 613-960-5102.