CBSA Message (TCC17-109) - Arrival of back to back shipments at inland warehouses

Clients Affected: 

All Freight Forwarders

When a back to back/single shipment (defined as a shipment that involve both a freight forwarder and a primary carrier, but consist of only one shipment), has physically arrived into a warehouse, and a warehouse arrival certification message (WACM) has been transmitted on the previous CCN, but the arrival does not cascade down to the related house bill.  The house bill does not go into arrived status and therefore cannot be released.

Action Required: When a freight forwarder has received confirmation from a warehouse that their back to back shipment has physically arrived, and the warehouse operator has sent an arrival message on the previous CCN (i.e. the freight forwarder has received a deconsolidation notice), the freight forwarder may transmit a warehouse arrival certification message (WACM) for the house bill to facilitate release of the back to back shipment.

For information about the EDI registration/certification process for the warehouse arrival certification message, clients may contact the CBSA’s TCCU by e-mail