CBSA Message (TCC17-207) - TCCU Web Pages : Application Forms
Clients Affected: All clients who transmit data electronically
The Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU) is pleased to announce the unveiling of the new and improved TCCU web pages. The TCCU web pages now provide clients with an intuitive and fresher look while allowing for user friendly navigation to help clients find information about EDI and Portal faster and more easily.
In the new configuration we have relocated the application forms to a more intuitive location to make them much easier to find . Under the “Become a client tab”, on the left side we have provided links to descriptions of the steps clients must follow to become an EDI client, while the right side of the page is reserved for all of the application forms. Whether you are a new client or an existing client looking to add more EDI options, we hope this improvement will make the application process easier.