CBSA Message (TCC17-213) - : TCCU Web Pages : Client resources

Clients Affected: All clients who transmit data electronically

The Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU) is pleased to announce the unveiling of the new and improved TCCU web pages. The TCCU web pages now provide clients with an intuitive and fresher look while allowing for user friendly navigation to help clients find information about EDI and Portal faster and more easily.

One design element that was maintained in the redesign of the TCCU web pages, was the need for a single place to hold all of the information documents for new and existing clients. The third tab entitled “Client resources” is the new and improved library to find documents such as the Error code list, tariff documents and the list of Harmonized system codes regulated by participating OGDs, one of our most popular links.

The TCCU library is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week!