Sucker Rods, Preliminary Injury Inquiry No. PI-2018-001
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) hereby gives notice that, pursuant to subsection 34(2) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), it has initiated a preliminary injury inquiry to determine whether the evidence discloses a reasonable indication that the dumping and subsidizing of sucker rods, including pony rods, with or without couplings attached and with or without guides attached, manufactured to American Petroleum Institute (API) 11B specifications, equivalent standards or proprietary standards, including in a finished or semi-finished state, made of solid steel, including carbon, alloy and special grades of steel, of 2.5 inches (63.5 mm) or less in diameter of rod body, with stated measurements subject to permissible tolerances, originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (the subject goods), have caused injury or retardation or are threatening to cause injury, as these words are defined in SIMA.
The Tribunal’s preliminary injury inquiry will be conducted by way of written submissions. Each person or government wishing to participate in the preliminary injury inquiry must file a notice of participation with the Tribunal on or before June 4, 2018. Each counsel who intends to represent a party in the preliminary injury inquiry must file a notice of representation, as well as a declaration and undertaking, with the Tribunal on or before June 4, 2018.
The Notice of Commencement of Preliminary Injury Inquiry is available in its entirety on the CITT website.