...Through the Innovative Solutions Canada (ISC) program, government departments are inviting small businesses to come up with a new innovative product, service or solution in answer to specific challenges they face.
Canadian small businesses invited to develop innovative solutions to two new [CBSA] challenges
[US] CBP confirms 301 duty raise time frame
...The Trump administration [last] week increased the duty rate on a third list of goods from China from 10% to 25%.
Filings for imports both exported and entered into U.S. commerce [on May 10, 2019] or later must include Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers 9903.88.03 and 9903.88.04, denoting a 25% duty rate, the CSMS message says.
CBSA Message (TCC19-042): Third Quarter Interest Rate 2019
Clients Affected: All importers and brokers who submit their B3s and AO notification of release queries using the CCS/CADEX system.
The annual interest rate for the third quarter of 2019 (July 1st 2019 to 30 September 2019) will be 1.6661.
Import of repackaged Brazilian dried beef jerky from the US
The shipments of imported dried beef jerky from Brazil, repackaged in US establishment for export to Canada, must have an additional declaration.
U.S. targets another $300B of Chinese goods for possible tariff hikes
Officials in Washington are targeting a $300 billion US list of additional Chinese imports including laptop computers for tariff hikes, ratcheting up a trade fight that is shaking financial markets and fuelling fears about global economic growth.