
Publication of the Invasive Plants Policy Directive D-12-01

November 20, 2013

The Invasive Plants Directive (D-12-01), "Phytosanitary requirements to prevent the introduction and establishment of plants regulated as pests in Canada" is now posted on the CFIA website. D-12-01 clarifies the policy to prevent or limit the importation and the domestic spread of plants considered as pests (i.e., weeds).

Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Plate, Preliminary Injury Inquiry No. PI-2013-003

November 20, 2013

The Notice of Preliminary Determination of Injury and associated Press Release are available on the CITT website.

Preliminary Determination of Injury

[Minister] Moore stresses 'net benefit' of counterfeit goods act

November 20, 2013

Industry Minister James Moore told a parliamentary committee Monday that a government bill giving both border officers more power to detain counterfeit goods and victims more avenues to press charges against traffickers poses a “net benefit” to trademark holders, businesses and Canadians.

Cross-border experts talk regulatory alignment at CABC

November 20, 2013

As the Canadian and U.S. governments work to streamline bilateral trade and commerce, they should focus on aligning regulatory approaches in emerging industries rather than unravelling existing regulations, experts speaking at the Canadian American Business Council (CABC) fall policy conference said Monday.

Ottawa to assess Canada-U.S. data sharing project

November 20, 2013

The federal government is commissioning an independent review of a data sharing project with the United States that aims to track every man, woman and child travelling across the border.
