CBSA Message (EDI14-015) - Invalid status of request - cargo control number and CCN in history

If you receive a reject message on your EDI release transaction for “invalid status of request/cargo control number” or “ccn in history” (error code 464 and T36) there is no need to contact the EDI hotline during regular hours or after hours. These reject messages mean the Cargo Control Number (CCN) has been used previously. In order to correct the reject, a new CCN is required from the carrier.

These are straightforward reject messages and no assistance is required from the EDI hotline to resolve this.

If you need to know where this cargo control was used, you may contact the carrier. Alternatively, you or the carrier may transmit a status query through the Release Notification System (RNS) which can provide this information. For more information on the status query function, please consult the Electronic Commerce Clients Requirements Document RNS.

Please ensure your daytime, evening and weekend team members are aware of this information.