EDC Export Performance Monitor - December 2014

Canada's trade surplus narrowed in October, to $99 million as exports increased by just 0.1% and imports increased by 0.5%. However, with the surplus Canada appears on track to post its first trade surplus on an annual basis since 2011.
Machinery and Equipment exports increased by 8.0%, feeding on the revival of investment in the United States and receiving a boost from the weaker Canadian dollar. Aerospace exports were also strong in October, as a result exports for sector ended the first 10 months of 2014 up 23% compared to the same period in 2013.

Agriculture exports declined by 8.6% in October. However, the sector is suffering a hangover from the bumper crop in 2013 and strong storage levels from the previous crop year are slanting the numbers down.

The full report is available on the EDC website.