D11-6-9, Applications to the President for an Extension of Time to File a Request under Section 60 of the Customs Act

This Memorandum explains how clients may apply, under section 60.1 of the Customs Act (the Act), for an extension of time to file a request under section 60. It also explains on what basis the President of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) issues decisions in response to these applications.

This Memorandum supersedes Interim Memorandum D11-6-9, Applications to the Commissioner for an Extension of Time to File a Dispute Notice, dated May 22, 2002.

This Memorandum has been revised to reflect organizational changes which resulted from the creation of the Canada Border Services Agency on December 12, 2003. It is also part of an overall revision of the Memoranda D11-6 series as a result of the Paper Burden Reduction Initiative. Many of the revisions are aimed at the elimination of obsolete and duplicated requirements, the modification of complex policies, and the simplification of the format.

In addition, changes have been made to the Memorandum to clarify the review process, and to update the guidelines and examples for conditions on which to grant an extension of time.

This memorandum is available in its entirety on the CBSA website: