CBSA Message (TCC17-193) TCCU Web Pages : Checklist
The Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU) is pleased to announce the unveiling of the new and improved TCCU web pages. The TCCU web pages now provide clients with an intuitive and fresher look while allowing for user friendly navigation to help clients find information about EDI and Portal faster and more easily.
In our new configuration we would like to call your attention to a new Checklist:
This page describes the steps clients should be following before calling the CBSA for technical assistance.
Some technical problems can be resolved by checking with a colleague who may have already experienced the issue, or by checking with the other trade partners responsible for the movement or clearance of the shipment. By doing so, you may find your answer more quickly than if you called TCCU at a peak time and waited on hold to speak to a technical support officer.