CBSA Message (TCC17-218): REMINDER - TCCU Client Survey
Clients Affected: All clients who transmit data electronically and/or using the eManifest portal.
The TCCU posted a client survey on the TCCU pages of the CBSA website on November 15, 2017. This survey will be posted for 3 weeks with the purpose of collecting feedback directly from clients that contact the TCCU. We are seeking your opinions and comments on your client service experience with the TCCU in the areas of client registration, testing and technical production support. This will allow us to understand in what areas we are providing quality client service and in what areas we need to improve. This information will be used to make informed decisions on training for our technical support staff, enhancements to our web content and improving our clients’ overall client service experience.
The TCCU client survey is anonymous, voluntary and confidential. We plan on posting our client survey on an annual basis to continuously collect your feedback and opinions to ensure we are providing a quality client service experience.