CBSA Message (TCC18-003) - TCCU Web Pages : REVISED Services Document
Clients Affected: All clients who transmit data electronically
The TCCU would like to thank the clients who participated in the TCCU online client satisfaction survey in November and early December. The team and management sincerely appreciate your time in providing your feedback. We look forward to hearing from you again next year when we post our survey or you can send an email to the TCCU mailbox throughout the year. Based on your comments, we are actively seeking opportunities to further enhance our client service delivery.
One of the recurring themes in the feedback we received was the uncertainty of when a client should contact the TCCU via telephone as opposed to email.
This distinction allows us to prioritize urgent, time-sensitive requests in the production environment to our call centre for immediate response, while requests for testing, profile updates, ECCRDs, general information and less time-sensitive requests can be handled via email.
In an effort to provide clarity and further transparency, we have expanded the TCCU’s Services Document ( by adding another column which indicates how each TCCU service is to be initiated and delivered, whether by email or by telephone.
We hope this additional information will prove useful to you and will help direct inquiries to the appropriate area. We encourage you to share the link with your colleagues.