CERS Implementation

The CSCB participated in the April 28th BCCC Export Working Group meeting, where the CBSA provided an updated presentation on the implementation

While the implementation of the Canadian Exporting Reporting System (CERS) has been delayed until September 30th from the original CAED decommissioning date of June 30th, 2020 there are two aspects of export reporting that are not delayed.

June 30, 2020 remains in effect for mandatory electronic reporting (elimination of paper reporting or B13As) and Summary Reporting Program (SRP) members onboarding to CERS.

CBSA and StatsCan will be contacting exporters to encourage enrollment into CERS. To facilitate your interactions with your clients the CSCB is happy to provide the following resources to you:

  1. CERS Information Guide: A robust version of the presentation used by the CBSA in their external engagement sessions. Included are many of the speaking notes used when the sessions were held. It serves as a complimentary document to the User Guide. (English | Français)
  2. CERS User Guide: An evergreen document, available upon request, from the CERS Inquiries mailbox. (English | Français)
  3. CERS Activation Reminder Letter: The first of two reminders. This letter should be mailed by May 18th and will be sent to those who have not yet activated in CERS. (English)
  4. CERS Onboarding Deadline Reminder: The last reminder. This letter is scheduled to be sent at the end of August and will again be sent to those who CBSA is aware have not yet activated in CERS. (English)

Please note, not all documents are available in French at this time. Once they become available we will make them available as well.

If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact Shelley Gares (sgares@cscb.ca).