
CARM Webinar Series in 2020

December 24, 2019

The CSCB is planning a number of CARM-related webinars in the new year. Each webinar will focus on specific CARM topics. We will start the series on January 16, 2020 with an overview of where we currently are with the CARM design. This will be a useful session for those who have not had a chance to participate in our recent sessions during national or regional conferences.

Updates to the CFIA Fish List

December 21, 2019

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has added or modified the common names for the following fish species within the CFIA Fish List:

Surprise of the decade

December 21, 2019

This isn’t just my last commentary of the year; it’s the last of the decade. In my current role, I’ve only had one other opportunity to wrap up the decade this way, and the last time—well, we still had that Great Recession thing to deal with. That event wasn’t really the surprise back then; the head-turner was that it took the recession so long to come about.

New maximum level for cyanide in apricot kernels / Nouvelle concentration maximale de cyanure dans les noyaux d'abricot

December 21, 2019

Please be advised that CFIA has posted a new import notice for industry to inform you of a new maximum level for cyanide in apricot kernels.

CBSA Message: TCC19-151-Changes to The SWI Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria / Changements aux Critères de correspondance des éléments de données pour la DII de marchandises réglementées sous l’IGU

December 20, 2019

Changes to The Single Window Initiative (SWI) Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria

Clients Affected: All importers and brokers using the IID
