
CBSA Message: TCC20-006 – TCCU After Hours Status Calls / Appels à l'USTCC après les heures ouvrables portant sur un status

January 27, 2020

Clients Affected: All clients and service providers who transmit trade data using EDI and /or eManifest Portal

The Canada Border Services Agency would like to take this opportunity to remind all clients of the terms and conditions for utilizing the emergency after-hours service provided by the Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU).

New NAFTA top priority as Parliament resumes Monday

January 27, 2020

The new North American trade deal is expected to take centre stage when Parliament returns Monday, marking the first challenge for a Liberal minority government that will need Opposition support to pass legislation.

The House of Commons reconvenes Monday after rising for the holidays in December, giving Canadians their first serious look at Canada's 43rd Parliament in action. 

China among WTO members backing Canada's alternate trade dispute scheme

January 24, 2020

As the U.S. continues to paralyze the World Trade Organization's system for appealing trade disputes, 17 members of the trade organization announced Friday they will collaborate on an alternative initiated by Canada and the European Union to resolve complaints that emerge between them in the meantime.

As U.S. threatens retaliation over digital taxes, Canada waits for OECD talks

January 24, 2020

As the U.S. continues to threaten other countries with retaliation if they proceed with a digital services tax, Canada's trade minister says the question of how to ensure profitable search engines, social media platforms and online retailers pay their fair share can only be tackled on a multilateral basis.

Trudeau urges MPs to move 'resolutely and rapidly' to pass North American trade deal

January 23, 2020

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged MPs to move "resolutely and rapidly" to ratify the new North American trade deal.

Addressing his Liberal caucus this morning as MPs meet for a two-day strategy session ahead of next week's return to Parliament, Trudeau said the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) — also known as NAFTA 2.0 — will be the Liberal government's top priority.
