
WCO News Magazine - February 2014 Issue

March 15, 2014

World Customs Organization (WCO) has released its February 2014 issue of the WCO News magazine.

It covers information on:
- Single Window: data harmonization, technology
- Invisible threat to sea container inspection staff
- Role of communication in Customs
- Applying behavioural economics to Customs reform, etc.

Canada Gazette - Official Regulations

March 13, 2014

Subscribers may be interested in the following, published on 26 February 2014 in Part II of the Canada Gazette.

SOR/2014-21 February 6, 2014
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Domestic Substances List — Order 2013-87-12-01 Amending

Minister Fast Marks Conclusion of Latest Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

March 13, 2014

The Honourable Ed Fast, Minister of International Trade, ..marked the conclusion of the latest round of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations. Ministers from negotiating countries met in Singapore from February 22 to 25, 2014, to continue their pursuit of a comprehensive and balanced agreement...

Business Barometer: Optimism on the rise again among small businesses

March 13, 2014

Small business owners are showing a little more optimism in February. CFIB's Business Barometer® Index rose 0.4 points to 64.4 this month, expanding on its 1.7 point gain in January. The index is now running about half a point better than its average for 2013.
