
Iraq, a New Member of CITES

March 12, 2014

The CITES Secretariat is pleased to welcome the Republic of Iraq as the 180th Party to CITES.

Iraq is located in the Middle East, bordering the Persian Gulf in the south east.

U.S., Canada harmonizing names of meat cuts

March 12, 2014

Canada and the United States have agreed to harmonize the terminology used for wholesale cuts of meat. This common understanding of terms will benefit industry through reducing costs of maintaining separate inventories, easing trade and reducing red tape and regulatory burden.

Obama signs executive order on streamlining the export/import processes

March 8, 2014

President Barack Obama, Wednesday, issued an executive order setting a Dec. 31, 2016 deadline for more than 40 federal agencies to have their systems ready to regulate import and export transactions through a common, government-wide, data-transmission pipeline.

New National Standard for Icewine in Canada

March 6, 2014

After extensive consultation, the Government of Canada is introducing regulatory amendments that will help Canadian icewine producers expand export markets and protect consumers from fraudulent products. Primarily, the amendments will create a new national standard for icewine.

eManifest regulatory amendments

March 6, 2014

Subscribers may be interested in the following notice, issued by CBSA on 18 February 2014.

Making the Border Smarter and More Secure

eManifest is a transformational initiative that will modernize and improve cross-border commercial processes.
