
BSF728 - Electronic export reporting of controlled goods process

February 3, 2014

The following publication is now available on the CBSA website:
BSF728 - Electronic export reporting of controlled goods process

Update to CFIA Meat Hygiene Directives

January 29, 2014

The following meat hygiene directives are now available in HTML versions at:
MHD 2013-56
Chapter 11 – section 11.7.3 Honduras (2013-12-03)

Mexico Amends Textile/Apparel TPL Allocation Procedures

January 29, 2014

Mexico’s Ministry of Economy recently published a regulation in the Diario Oficial de la Federación amending the tariff preference level allocation procedures for certain non-NAFTA-originating textile and apparel products.

[US] Lawmakers, Meat Industry Seek Delay in Origin Labeling Rules

January 29, 2014

An omnibus fiscal year 2014 appropriations bill making its way through Congress includes a provision urging the Department of Agriculture to delay revised regulations concerning the country of origin labeling of meat products...

Hong Kong - Certification Requirements

January 29, 2014

Please be advised that the following has been updated on the CFIA web site:
Hong Kong - Certification Requirements:
