
Hong Kong - Certification Requirements

January 29, 2014

Please be advised that the following has been updated on the CFIA web site:
Hong Kong - Certification Requirements:

D13-4-3, Customs Valuation: Price Paid or Payable

January 29, 2014

The following has been updated and is available on the CBSA website:
Memorandum D13-4-3, Customs Valuation: Price Paid or Payable

Government helps food processors reach export markets

January 24, 2014

On behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, Parliamentary Secretary Pierre Lemieux (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) and Member of Parliament Chungsen Leung (Willowdale) announced today an investment of up to $2.65 million to the Canadian Food Exporters Association (CFEA) to help food and beverage processors increase their competitiveness in key global markets around the world.

New rules for heat-treated wood packaging

January 17, 2014

The federal government is revamping the regulations pertaining to heat-treated wood packaging products.

Starting in January 2015, a new set of rules will be in place. Known as D-13-01, the Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program will be the guideline for every business in the country.

Government Creates Export Opportunities for Canadian Soybean Industry

January 3, 2014

The Canadian soybean industry will tap new export markets... Member of Parliament Bev Shipley (Lambton-Kent-Middlesex), on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, announced today an investment for the Grain Farmers of Ontario to create export opportunities...
