
Updates to the CFIA Fish List / Mises à jour de la Liste des poissons de l’ACIA

March 16, 2023

(Le français suit)

Updates to the CFIA Fish List

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has added the common names for the following fish species within the CFIA Fish List:

Scientific name – English/ French common name

TCC23-011 - Second Quarter Interest Rate 2023 / Taux d'intérêt du deuxième trimestre 2023

February 22, 2023

Clients Affected: All clients and service providers who transmit trade data using EDI and Portal.

The annual interest rate for the second quarter of 2023 (April 1st to June. 30, 2023) will be 4.4010.

Singapore Add to Import Permit Requirements, African Swine Flu

February 17, 2023

(Le français suit)

Please be advised that the information for importers to understand feed controls to prevent African swine fever has been updated:

The addition of the reference to the Order for:

Update to the Accredited Veterinarian Manual – Module 7 / Mise à jour du manuel du vétérinaire accrédité – module 7

February 1, 2023

Le texte français suit le texte anglais.

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has updated the following module of the Accredited Veterinarian Manual (AVM):
