The new Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA, also known as USMCA or T-MEC) modernizes NAFTA and includes rules for de minimis – something not included in NAFTA.
International Trade Compliance
CBSA Message: TCC20-007 – TCCU Tip / Conseil de l'USTCC
Clients Affected: All clients and service providers who transmit trade data using EDI and /or eManifest Portal
The Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU) of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is proud to announce its continued and expanded use of GCcollab.
CBSA Message: TCC20-006 – TCCU After Hours Status Calls / Appels à l'USTCC après les heures ouvrables portant sur un status
Clients Affected: All clients and service providers who transmit trade data using EDI and /or eManifest Portal
The Canada Border Services Agency would like to take this opportunity to remind all clients of the terms and conditions for utilizing the emergency after-hours service provided by the Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU).
CARM Webinar Series in 2020
The CSCB is planning a number of CARM-related webinars in the new year. Each webinar will focus on specific CARM topics. We will start the series on January 16, 2020 with an overview of where we currently are with the CARM design. This will be a useful session for those who have not had a chance to participate in our recent sessions during national or regional conferences.
CBSA Message: TCC19-151-Changes to The SWI Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria / Changements aux Critères de correspondance des éléments de données pour la DII de marchandises réglementées sous l’IGU
Changes to The Single Window Initiative (SWI) Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Regulated Commodities Data Element Matching Criteria
Clients Affected: All importers and brokers using the IID